I know I shouldn't be staying up late right now with all my quizzes later and all that but I just can't help but to blog about these great things that just happened to me!
Well, that was actually my Facebook status and well, I altered it a little bit... it really goes like this:
"I know I shouldn't stay late with all my quizzes later and all but I just can't help but to watch all those Drop Dead Diva episodes that I missed for the whole three weeks I was uhmmm... busy. Had a very much great time watching them plus I got a "reply" tweet from Jackson Hurst! What else could I wish for before the day ends for me?! :D"
Maybe I altered it a lot... no matter! I'll break things out just as to state properly why I had a delighting, overjoying, overwhelming, elating, and an ecstatic day! (In case someone wondered, yes, I did used the research pane in Microsoft Word 2007.)
First, I woke up today.
I mean how else could I experience all of these if I didn't wake up this err... very late morning? I woke up very late... like 11 or so... but at least I woke up! And even though I was late for that "test" I would still like to thank Angeli for the patience.
Second, I am already done with my report in General Sociology class.
FINALLY! Something to celebrate! Although my partner, Clarice wasn't able to finish hers. She was reporting the first part of her part of the report when the laptop ran out of juice and suddenly black out. Ok, so maybe it's not the laptop's fault but mine. I mean, my part of the report took the whole time.
.bmp) |
A screen cap of the title page of our presentation. |
Third, I was able to watched the three episodes of 'Drop Dead Diva' that I missed since I was somehow busy with the report and all.
Well, I was just really lazy actually and I took my time to sleep and well, roamed around. But I missed Drop Dead Diva so much that I just had to watched them. Episodes 10,11, and 12, like all the rest of the episodes from Season 1 to Season 4 episode 9, inspired me again to work hard. They fascinated me again with all the commotions going on inside a courtroom, with all the legal processes and the ways how they fight and win cases, and even, most like gave me a peak of what watching porn looks like... unintentionally due to the scene where Luke and Kim were like 'canoodling' with each other in Kim's office. Seriously, not really what I wanted to see since I really like Luke a lot for... well, some other character! Not for Stacy, not for Terry, and absolutely not for Kim! And besides, Luke Daniels is a Guardian Angel, when someone irrelevant of their "mission" knew who they really are, they have to disappear into thin air and make it like as if they didn't exist at all. Anyway, as I was saying, it inspired me again. (Gotta make a post about D3 next time.)
Jane Bingum (Brooke Elliott), the hot protagonist of Drop Dead Diva. |
Fourth and foremost, Jackson Hurst (Grayson Kent in Drop Dead Diva) replied to my tweet to him!
I can't believed it. HE REPLIED TO MY TWEET!!! Can I faint now or do I have to save that for my Finac test later? Maybe I'm exaggerating but that is Jackson Hurst! Grayson Kent! And I am a proud supporter of the Jane-Grayson Love Team and a big fan of him! Here is the tweet and the conversation :
Jackson Hurst's reply to my tweet. |
The whole... err... conversation. I guess. |
So, really! What else could I wish for before my day ends? I don't really know. I am very, very happy with all that. I can't contain my happiness right now. August 28 until 3 am of August 29 rocks!
For now, I need to work on my news clipping plus my two quizzes later in my two major subjects and I really need to work out on how to make my post short since probably no one would want to read my posts because it is long and boring.